See something you like? Dislike? E-mail me and I'll add them to the comments page!
August 17, 2013
Recommend your site a lot. I really like it.
Deb E.
August 13, 2013
Thank you for all you do for homeschoolers, you helped me find a new homeschool.
Ginger P.
August 6, 2013
Thank you so much for keeping the site going. I got a call just last week from a mom that got my number from your site.
Melissa J.
July 14, 2013
Thank you for the service you are providing to the homeschooling community!
Deborah M.
April 11, 2012
This is the first time I have read an example, (your garden walkways story) that described the kind of 'insanity' my husband and I regularly go through!! I don't feel alone anymore!! I'm going to show it to him too! Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Elissa K.
July 13, 2010
Thanks for maintaining such a great website. It is just huge and packed with such great info.
Ann L.
July 10, 2008
I have recently joined your yahoo discussion group and also find your entire "leaping from the box" site to be a terrific resource!! Your site was my "bible" if you will when I relocated my family over a year ago. I do not know what I would have done if I had not had your advice and resources.
Kimberly S.
June 27, 2008
Thank you sooooo much for your great website. We moved to Alabama in Oct 2007 and I probably would have lost my homeschooling mind without it!
Amber H.
March 4, 2008
Wow, what a great list. It's the only one of it's type that I've seen on the web.
John E.
January 6, 2008
I just wanted to tell you thank you for your web site. Your site has given me so much information. I had no idea where to start before seeing your web site. I knew about HSLDA and a few other sites but I found my church school through your site. Your site is easy to navigate and the content easily understood. I give out your web site as often as I can. Your on my favorites now. Please continue the good work.
Mindy S.
May 28, 2007
Dear Karen,
I found your site through a link on another site. I was so relieved by your article regarding kindergarten. My oldest will be 5 this summer. I was approached by an Indiana virtual charter school(govt funded). We began to fill out the paperwork,but felt uneasy & stopped the process. I have been doing a lot of research. At times I have been overwhelmed by all the products, learning styles, etc. As parents who want to give their children the best education possible your words are a breath of fresh air!
A. Ortega
May 13, 2003
Karen, these are wonderful...........truly.......I was so touched by your two writings.
Many blessings to you,
May 12, 2003
Dear Karen,
Thank you for sending along The Writing Well. I read it all; really enjoyed it and wanted to start writing my own stories!!
May 11, 2003
Karen, what a delight it was to read of your three mothers! The praise and gratitude expressed made me think of my several mothers, too, though I had only two. It is refreshing to reflect on your mothers' characteristics without a whisper of comparison -- without a word of who was best or worst or winner or loser. You remind me that we can appreciate the best from everyone without constant comparisons. That is refreshing: To love unashamedly the several major influences in your life. To appreciate each individual for her contribution without lessening the contribution of the others. Thank you.