Homeschooling and Unschooling email lists, support groups, Facebook groups, associations, message boards, forums and newsletters for those practicing home education in Arizona (the Grand Canyon State, the Copper State), including statewide support groups and state associations.

Learn the Arizona homeschooling (home education) laws and find statewide support by checking out one of the statewide associations/groups.

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Experience learning and education as it should be!

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The Mislabeled Child
How Understanding Your Child’s Unique Learning Style Can Open the Door to Success

by Brock Eide, Fernette Eide
Provides a comprehensive look at learning differences ranging from dyslexia to dysgraphia, to attention problems, to giftedness. The authors describe how a proper understanding of a child’s unique brain-based strengths can be used to overcome many different obstacles to learning.
Kindle Edition

Dumbing Us Down
The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling

by John Taylor Gatto
In this tenth-anniversary edition, Gatto updates his theories on how the U.S. educational system cranks out students the way Detroit cranks out Buicks. He contends that students are more programmed to conform to economic and social norms rather than really taught to think.
Kindle Edition

The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook
A Creative And Stress-Free Approach to Homeschooling

by Dorothy Moore
If you are thinking about homeschooling, or are struggling with a educational homeschooling curriculum that is difficult to use, let Dr. Ray and Dorothy Moore show you how to make homeschooling an easy-to-live-with family adventure in learning. This low-stress, low-cost program shows you how to build a curriculum around your child's needs and interests - and around a realistic family schedule.

You Can Teach Your Child Successfully
Grades 4-8

by Ruth Beechick
This classic gives nitty-gritty help for each subject in each grade. Become an informed, confident teacher, free from rigid textbooks.

Learning All The Time
by John Holt
This delightful book by the influential author of How Children Fail and How Children Learn shows how children learn to read, write, and count in their everyday life at home and how adults can respect and encourage this wonderful process.
We find comfort among those who agree with us
- growth among those who don't.
~ Frank A. Clark

    Arizona Email Lists, Support Groups, Facebook Groups, Associations, Message Boards, Forums and Newsletters

    Statewide Associations and Support Groups

    Ambleside in Arizona/Charlotte Mason in Arizona (AOArizona) - AO In Arizona (Ambleside In Arizona) is a support group for families following the educational philosophy and teaching methods of Charlotte Mason and using all or parts of the Ambleside Online and/or House of Education curriculum. Our purpose is to provide homeschooling support to families as they strive to implement a Charlotte Mason Homeschool program. Also included are those using a Charlotte Mason philosophy in their homeschool.

    Special topics of interest will include: Arizona history and government, nature study in the desert, local historical attractions, museums, as well as planning and coordinating special field trips and other extra-curricula activities. If you are using Charlotte Mason but not the AO/HEO curriculum and would like to join this group, you are welcome to do so!

    To subscribe, visit Ambleside in Arizona/Charlotte Mason in Arizona (AOArizona).

    Arizona Catholic Homeschool Conference Facebook Page - Encouraging Catholic families to be "first and foremost educators of their children", while providing tools that enrich their homeschooling journey.

    For more information, visit Arizona Catholic Homeschool Conference Facebook Page.

    Arizona Christian Homeschoolers Facebook Page - A place for Christian Homeschoolers in Arizona to connect with one another and share ideas. To keep this group focused we ask that you are Homeschooling your children. A “home school” means a school conducted primarily by the parent, guardian or other person who has custody of the child or instruction provided in the child’s home. This does not include virtual academy's through the public school system.

    For more information, visit Arizona Christian Homeschoolers Facebook Page.

    Arizona Families for Home Education - AFHE - Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) is the statewide organization that has been serving the needs and protecting the rights of Arizona’s homeschooling families since 1983. AFHE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational corporation run by a Christian board of directors. AFHE membership is available to all homeschooling parents in Arizona. Visit our Arizona Families for Home Education - AFHE Facebook page.

    For more information, visit Arizona Families for Home Education - AFHE.

    Arizona Homeschool (arizonna-homeschool) - Discussions should center around homeschooling laws and requirements in the state, resources, lesson plans, field trip ideas, where to find support groups -- in short, anything and everything to do with homeschooling. This group is a Christian group. No flaming, no spamming and no intolerance will be allowed. Please remember that this is not a make money or joke list. This is a place to share our homeschooling, share events involving homeschooling and making friends with other homeschoolers.

    To subscribe, visit Arizona Homeschool.

    Arizona Jewish Homeschoolers (AZJHS) - Arizona Jewish Homeschoolers is a discussion forum and information exchange for homeschooling and unschooling Jewish educators/parents (or those just thinking about it), living in Arizona. It should serve as a means to discuss issues unique to the Arizona Jewish homeschool environment, and a means by which friendships may be formed, events will be planned, and joint homeschool activities may be held. Most of us are in the Greater Phoenix area, but we want to be as inclusive as possible.

    Our purpose is to provide support, networking, and the exchange of ideas and experiences, as an online community for the Jewish homeschooler. We will discuss issues facing Jews who choose homeschool education, the potentials and difficulties of combining homeschooling with Judaism, and homeschooling to raise a Jewish child. We will share lessons, thoughts and ideas in integrating all levels of Judaism into homeschooling, ideas for celebrating holidays and festivals, information on traditional crafts, etc.

    We will try to coordinate homeschool activities and events, sometimes themed around Jewish holidays. We may discuss Jewish observance, family life, and related outside interests.

    All levels of Jewish observance are welcome, as are all levels of experience with homeschooling. This means that this is a (Jewish) pluralistic list where we welcome and will respect all points of view (except the one that insists there is only one correct way to be Jewish).

    When you join us, you will be asked to write a few paragraphs introducing yourself to complete your subscription.

    To Subscribe, visit Arizona Jewish Homeschoolers.

    AZ Homeschooling support and events Facebook Page - AZ Homeschooling support and events is a group where no matter where you live in Arizona you can get support about homeschooling, unschooling, and parenting. If you'd like to host a field trip or start a co-op let me know and I'll set up an event. If you see an awesome educational link......please share! If you would like to sale homeschooling books, supplies, ect please do so. I can add them to the pictures. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Invite your AZ homeschooling friends to join our group. HAPPY HOMESCHOOLING!!!!

    For more information, visit AZ Homeschooling support and events Facebook Page.

    Homeschooling Arizona Swap Exchange (homeschoolingarizonaswapexchange) - Here we offer only "Learning" or "Educational" materials. Our purpose is twofold, 1) to help people obtain learning materials for free and 2) to promote recycling and keep unused items out of our landfills. Everything offered here is Free. Do not try to sell items. Giving is it's own reward. Receiving is a blessing. Children will possibly read these posts. Do not post anything which would be inappropriate for a child to view. Do not offer anything illegal.

    To Subscribe, visit Homeschooling Arizona Swap Exchange.

    Jewish Homeschoolers of Arizona (JHEN-AZ) - This site is for Jewish Homeschoolers to share lessons, thoughts and ideas in integrating all levels of Judaism into homeschooling their child(ren).

    To Subscribe, visit Jewish Homeschoolers of Arizona.

    Knowledge House Learning Resource Center - Multi-purpose homeschool resource center offering a lending library, supplementary classes, play room, standardized testing, honor society, kids and teens chat groups, plus on-line resources including website, blog, and email support.

    For more information, visit Knowledge House Learning Resource Center.

    Palo Verde Homeschoolers (Palo-Verde-HS) - A free online secular community for Arizona parents with inquisitive and imaginative children. We share local event information, organize outings, and discuss gifted/spirited-child issues. All religions and homeschooling methods are welcome. Commercial postings are prohibited.

    To subscribe, visit Palo Verde Homeschoolers.

    SL (Sonlight) Arizona (SLArizona) - We are a group of homeschoolers using, have used, or are interested in using Sonlight Curriculum, Winter Promise Curriculum, or some other version of a literature based curriculum.

    Focus: Our primary goal is to provide homeschoolers with a group of open minded individuals and families who want to come together and share there experiences in a safe environment where they can learn from one another's experiences and use what fits their family. We strive to provide an environment where Arizona homeschoolers can feel comfortable coming together, sharing there feelings and experiences and learning from one another through meetings, online discussions, field trips, etc...

    Activities: Our group provides several chapters around the state for the convenience of its members. Each group will have it own park day, classes, and other area specific events. We will come together for bigger things such as field trips, Special Events, Moms Night Out, Dads Night Out, Family Fun Events, and Email Support.

    REMEMBER the group is what YOU make of it! Welcome to Sonlight Arizona!

    To Subscribe, visit SL (Sonlight) Arizona.

    TSS Edusource, Inc - The Salt Seller - Homeschool Resource Center assisting and educating those seeking to homeschool their children through workshops, on the phone and in person and mentoring those who need help.

    Offering insight and education on homeschooling resources. Offering a series of workshops especially for the homeschooling parent. Learn how to get started, how to prepare for college, and more. Mentoring on issues concerning home education is our purpose. Website with current information, events, and workshops. Weekly enewsletter with information about activities and resources of interest to Arizona homeschool families.

    For more information, visit TSS Edusource, Inc - The Salt Seller.

    Western Region Unschoolers (WesternRegionUnschoolers) - The Western Region Unschoolers is a group for unschoolers who live in the Western U.S. covering: Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California. This is a forum to announce and organize conferences, travel, camping, and other places to get together.

    To Subscribe, visit Western Region Unschoolers.

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    For LOCAL Support Groups, Email Lists, Facebook Pages, Associations, etc.

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    Please notify if your email list, support group, Facebook group, associations, message board, forum or newsletter is not included here or if you see errors.

    This is an ongoing project - please check back often for updates.

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Let's talk about learning and education as it should be, as it can be!

Homeschooling For Dummies
by Jennifer Kaufeld
If, like many parents, you’re wondering whether homeschooling can be the solution you’re looking for, then you’ll be happy to know that the answer is yes.
Kindle Edition

Homeschooling The Early Years
Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 3- to 8- Year-Old Child

by Linda Dobson
Here's a guide that comes direct from the experts: a mother of two homeschooled, now-grown children and 83 homeschooling families she surveyed..
Kindle Edition

Homeschooling the Child with Autism
Answers to the Top Questions Parents and Professionals Ask

by Patricia Schetter, Kandis Lighthall
This practical, highly accessible guide answers parents' and professionals' questions about teaching children with autism spectrum disorders at home.

The Unschooling Handbook
How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom
by Mary Griffith
The unschooling movement is founded on the principle that children learn best when they pursue their own natural curiosities and interests. Learning is a natural, inborn impulse, and the world is rich with lessons to be learned and puzzles to be solved.
Kindle Edition

The Ultimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas
500+ Fun and Creative Learning Activities for Kids Ages 3-12

by Linda Dobson
Inside this innovative helper, you'll find kid-tested and parent-approved techniques for learning math, science, writing, history, manners, and more that you can easily adapt to your family's homeschooling needs.
Kindle Edition

Homeschool Your Child For Free
More than 1,200 Smart, Effective, and Practical Resources for Home Education on the Internet and Beyond

by LauraMaery Goldz
and Joan M. Zielinski
For Families Who Want to Splurge on Education but Scrimp on Spending. This invaluable guide to all the best in free educational material—from reading-readiness activities for preschoolers to science projects for teens—categorizes, reviews, and rates more than 1,200 of the most useful educational resources on the Internet and beyond.
Kindle Edition

Charlotte Mason’s Original Homeschooling Series
by Charlotte Mason
This series contains the original six volumes of Charlotte Mason's book, a rich resource for educators - both teachers in schools and teachers in home-schools.

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