Homeschooling and Unschooling email lists, support groups, message boards, forums and newsletters for those practicing home education in Missouri (the Show Me State), including Ashland, Auxvasse, Bennett Spring, Blue Springs, Bolivar, Buffalo, Celt, Charity, Columbia, Elkland, Fair Grove, Foose, Fort Bend, Goodson, Halfway, Houston, Jefferson City, Kansas City, Kingdom City, Lead Mine, Long Lane, Louisburg, March, McDonald, Meramec Valley, Mexico, Millersberg, Missouri City, Moberly, New Bloomfield, Newton, Northland, the Ozarks, Richmond, Rolla, Rosenberg, Springfield, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Sugar Land, Tunas, Urbana, Wentzville, West Plains, Winchester Gap, and Windyville. Locate fellow homeschoolers. Make new friends. Share resource ideas and curriculum / textbook information.

Experience learning and education as it should be!

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I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.
~ Michaelangelo

    Missouri Email Lists, Support Groups, Message Boards, Forums and Newsletters

    1roomschool - This is a group for Missouri homeschooler's to share information, upcoming events, questions that they might have about home schooling and an alternative support. It is orginally coming from Trenton's support group leader, but we would like to share with what is going on in and around us!

    For more information, visit

    To Subscribe, visit

    AEIOU-Friendly (AEIOU Friendly) - This is a homeschooling group that targets people in the Ozark region of the US. It is specificly designed to be an open and accepting group for all parents who are activly involved in their children's process of learning. This is something that is defined by each person and for they and their families to decide, not the group. I hope for this group to be an online support of members, serve as a forum for finding like minded homeschoolers in your area and also offer field trip opportunities around the region.

    Group names always tend to be hokey, but a necessity. I have chosen AEIOU Friendly as a multi-level pun, as my husband would say. AEIOU indicates some connection to education, puts it at the front of the listsing and is catchy. The friendly part is there as a beacon for ones looking for support, as opposed to people expecting them to do things 'their way'. It stands for Area Educators In (the) Ozarks, Unschooler Friendly.

    To Subscribe, visit

    ArabesQ - A Discussion Forum for Muslim homeschoolers. Group is based in St. Louis.

    To view the message boards, you must first create a Log In. Visit

    BCHE (Barton Cnty Home Educators) - We are a loose knit group of Christian HomeSchooler in based Barton County, Missouri. We are growing as a group and this page is part of that development as we move forward in our efforts to work together to raise our children for our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope you find the site useful and we welcome your suggestions for future development.

    Some features of this page are available to all. However, as this group/site is intended for the communication of our homeschool group membership is 'moderated' to primarily those homeschoolers from Barton County Missouri. If you would like to participate on this site, please include a brief introduction for the facilitor and the group.

    To subscribe, visit

    bolivar_area_homeschoolers - Bolivar Area Homeschoolers is an organized homeschool support group based in Bolivar, Missouri, providing encouragement through fellowship and volunteer-directed activities. The co-op named ECCE (meeting six times per year), graduation, yearbook, and park days are just some of the things we do. Come join the fun and lend a hand wherever your talents lie! Be sure to ask how to get the monthly newsletter.

    For more information, visit

    To subscribe, visit

    Catholichomeschoolstjoe (St. Joe Catholic Homeschoolers) - An e-mail group to facilitate communication between Catholic homeschoolers in St. Joseph, Missouri.

    To subscribe, visit

    catholichs (Greater Kansas City Catholic Home School) - The purpose of this web site is to provide a means for Catholic families in the greater Kansas City area to offer support to each other as they encounter the joys and the sacrifices involved in the home education of their children.

    Our Holy Father, John Paul II, in his apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio has emphasized the importance and sacred character of our role as home educators of our children:

    “For Christian parents the mission to educate … has a new specific source in the sacrament of marriage, which consecrates them for the strictly Christian education of their children: that is to say, it calls upon them to share in the very authority and love of God the Father and Christ the Shepherd, and in the motherly love of the Church, and it enriches them with wisdom, counsel, fortitude and all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to help the children in their growth as human beings and as Christians. The sacrament of marriage gives to the educational role the dignity and vocation of being really and truly a "ministry" of the Church at the service of the building up of her members.”

    “A vivid and attentive awareness of the mission that they have received with the sacrament of marriage will help Christian parents to place themselves at the service of their children's education with great serenity and truthfulness, and also with a sense of responsibility before God, who calls them and gives them the mission of building up the Church in their children. ”

    With Pope John Paul II’s words in mind, let the Holy Spirit guide our words and our actions as we strive to bring new saints to heaven.

    To subscribe, visit

    CCHSmomsMO (church of Christ Homeschool Moms in MO) - This is a list for homeschool moms that are members of the church of Christ and live in Missouri. Looking for fellowship? Want to talk about various curriculum? This is an email loop where we can encourage one another on our adventures in homeschooling.

    Members of this list practice weekly observance of the Lord's supper, acapella singing, and the plan of salvation: HEAR (Hebrews 11:6), BELIEVE (Romans 10:17), REPENT (Luke 13:3,5) CONFESS (Matt. 10:32), BE BAPTIZED (Romans 6:3-4), and REMAIN FAITHFUL (Rev. 2:10)

    To subscribe, visit

    cfc_homeschoolers (cfc homeschoolers) - This group is for members of Christian Fellowship Church of Columbia MO who homeschool. We can encourage one another, share our lives, get help, and plan events, and whatever else we need to talk about!

    For more information, visit

    To Subscribe, visit

    CHRG (Columbia Homeschooling Resource Group) - CHRG or the Columbia Homeschooling Resource Group, is an organization for mid Missouri homeschoolers. We are an inclusive group of families which welcomes many different styles of homeschooling and one that welcomes members from all religions, backgrounds, and cultures. Our focus is to enrich, provide mutual support and social & educational activities for our children. Our purpose is to support the child in the life long learning process, while having respect for each family's educational style regardless of religious or political views. The challenge and commitment to homeschooling is what brings us together. You are welcome to join us!

    For more information, visit

    To Subscribe, visit

    ChristianMomsSCC (St. Charles County, MO Christian Moms) - Welcome to Christian Moms of St. Charles County, Missouri! This is a site for christian moms to communicate with other moms. Share your time saving strategies or ask for advice from other moms. Let us know of local free or cheap events for the family. Do you know what restaurants kids eat free on what nights? These are helpful secrets that we need to share.

    Feel free to post any thing you find helpful to the message board. I really like info on special events, big sales, or anything else you can think of.

    • You can post homeschool textbooks for sale or free.
    • Any thing goes as long as it is clean of course.
    • Don’t forget to post your prayer requests!
    • There is File area where you could upload things like special homeschool docs that make life easier.
    • The link area is easy to use to place great sites that would save us money or just fun to look at.
    • If you have a website you use for your business you can add it for additional advertising.
    • Check out the database section to see and add restaurants where kids eat free around the area. They are also listed on the Calendar.
    • On the Calendar - Put special church functions; Organize a homeschool field trip; Area events

    Let’s make this site work for all of us. I hope it becomes a wonderful resource for moms all over St. Charles County. Please email me any suggestions or comments any time.

    To Subscribe, visit

    ClassicalEducationStLouis ( Classical Education St. Louis) - Welcome to Classical Education in St. Louis, Missouri! This group is for all who homeschool in the greater St. Louis metro area, primarily using a classical curriculum. Our focus is The Well Trained Mind (TWTM), but can include any other method that incorporates the philosophy of a classical education (MODG, Charlotte Mason, etc).

    For more information on The Well Trained Mind, visit

    To Subscribe, visit

    DallasCountyAreaHomeEducation (Dallas County Area Home Education) - Dallas County Area Home Education is intended for home educators in Buffalo, Missouri and the surrounding towns, communities and counties. These include Louisburg, Goodson, Urbana, Tunas, Lead Mine, Celt, Winchester Gap, Bennett Spring, Windyville, Long Lane, Charity, March, Elkland, Fair Grove, Foose, Halfway as well as the following neighboring counties; Hickory, Polk, Laclede, Camden, Webster & Greene.

    Home educators, whether just starting out, homeschoolers for a few years or seasoned veterans, are welcomed to share, ask questions and encourage one another on various homeschool methods, styles and problems. "Retired" home educators are not only welcomed but needed to help guide and strengthen the next generation of home educators.

    Members can also post information on park days, field trips and other activities pertaining to homeschooling and the family. Check out the links and files for information on getting started, co-ops, activities, help and resources.

    Often home educators have little time for extra phone calls and visits but still have a pressing need to connect with one another. While e-mail and the Internet do not replace the need for in person contact, it is the moderator's hope that this will help fill the gap that may otherwise go unfilled.

    So come in and make yourself at home. I'm so glad you're here! ~~Melissa~~ 2nd generation homeschooler. owner/moderator

    To Subscribe, visit

    fhe-region6w (FHE Region 6 West) - This group is dedicated to aiding the communication of Homeschool Support Groups and their members in the Southwest Missouri Region.

    Anyone is welcome to browse the calendar and the links listed. Regular members can receive individual messages or daily digests. Regular membership will be restricted to homeschoolers in SW Missouri, so please submit a brief introduction when applying to be approved.

    HOWEVER, posting information is limited to support group leaders, or the group's designated information person.

    Group Leaders: When requesting to join the group in order to post information, please include the following information in an email directed to,

    1. Group Name
    2. Group Location (City & ZIP Code)
    3. Your name
    4. Phone number

    This FHE Directors in contacting you if there should be some problem on the board. At this time, there is no regional director for Region 6E or 6W in Missouri. This site is being monitored by the Exec. Director and Asst. Executive Director. Brad & Deana Haines. Rick & Cathy Bertel.

    Visit blog @

    To Subscribe, visit

    FLT_KC (Northland Families Learning Together) - We are an eclectic, secular/inclusive homeschool support group based in the Northland of Kansas City Missouri. We offer encouragement and support along with many fun and educational activities for homeschooling families. We encourage you to join for a trial membership, to decide if we are the group for you. After 3 months, if you'd like to join the group, you will be asked to pay a small membership fee to help cover the costs of running our active group and abundant events.

    To Subscribe, visit

    HomeSchoolFamiliesofstlouis (HomeSchool Families of Greater St. Louis) - We are a group of friends who homeschool our children in St. Louis Missouri. This group is very casual, and we like to focus on having friends for our kids to play with on a regular basis. All people are welcome, no matter religious, political, or other beliefs. Please feel free to talk openly, ask questions, set up fieldtrips or playdates, and have fun! This is a supportive, nurturing environment, not just for the kids but for the parents as well!

    To Subscribe, visit

    homeschoolingkidswhocan - This group is dedicated to supporting parents in Missouri who are home educating children with physical or learning disabilities. It is my desire to see each parent here be strengthed and encouraged through every message and activity listed.

    To insure the computer safety of all members, membership and messages are moderated; however, most items pertaining to homeschooling and parenting children with special needs will be sent through.

    To subscribe, visit

    HomeschoolinMo - This is a list for all parents that homescool in the state of Missouri. Whether you have been doing it for years or would like to start and just dont know where to begin this list is for you. However if you do not live in Missouri we ask that you not join.As this list is intended to be a support group for those in our state that homeschool. Sometimes we may live many miles from one another and have no one close by for support, so that is why i have created this list.

    To subscribe, visit

    KC-MCHS (KC Multi-Cultural Home Schoolers) - KC-MCHS is a group for Kansas City area families who home school children of color. We believe it's important that our children be connected to other children and adults who reflect their racial and cultural diversity. Through this discussion group, we hope to support each other in our homeschooling journey and also schedule playgroups, field trips, and parent meetings. All members are welcome, even encouraged, to organize activities that interest them.

    We are a diverse community representing a wide range of home schooling styles as well as religious, political, and philosophical beliefs. Therefore, tolerance and respect for each other's opinions and beliefs is expected. This is not a religiously based group.

    Discussion topics for KC-MCHS might include, but are not limited to, resources that reflect our families' culture and history and where to find them, ways to advocate for our children, cultural activities in and around KC, etc.

    Membership is open to Missouri and Kansas families that home school a minority child whether by birth, adoption, foster care, guardianship, or other. Membership requires moderator approval, and a list of questions must be answered regardless of what you write in the box provided by Yahoo. If you do not receive an email with questions for moderator approval, please email

    To subscribe, visit

    lakeareahomeschoolers (Lake Area Homeschoolers) - Are you a homeschool mom or dad looking for a place of support? Want to know what's out there for homeschooling families? The LAMP Christian Home Educators in Murray-Calloway County, Kentucky invites you to pull up chair, get your favorite beverage and join us!

    LAMP is a local christian support group for homeschooling families and those interested in homeschooling in Murray-Calloway County and surrounding areas of Western Kentucky. We are dedicated to helping each other as we pursue the endeavor of home educating our children. It is our aim to provide support to parents as they educate their children. We believe in LOVING,AFFIRMING, MINISTERING, and PREPARING them as they take roles in the church, their family and in becoming "lights" in their community.

    Members of the LAMP support group use this board to announce field trips & outings, parent support group meetings, homeschool activities and just general "chat" about topics of interest for homeschool families. This is not a "LAMP Members ONLY" board though, we welcome homeschool families to join us from Cadiz, to Hoptown, from Aurora, to Paris, from Metropolis to Fulton and all those little places in between! If you live in western KY, southern IL, southeast MO or west TN then this will be a great list for you!

    All are welcome as we strive to encourage each other in a positive manner. We encourage you to ask your homeschooling questions and post local & national homeschool news. Happy Homeschooling everyone!

    For more information, visit

    To Subscribe, visit

    LaZers (KC Metro LaZers) - HOMESCHOOL ATHLETICS - ALL SPORTS - EMAIL INFORMATION BOARD - We are a Competitive Homeschool Athletic program in the Kansas City, MO metropolitan area called the KC Metro LaZers. We have boys soccer, girls soccer, boys baseball, girls volleyball, girls basketball, boys basketball and boys and girls Track Field for grades 6 thru 12. Some sports could be taking younger children. Grades 9 and above are able to Letter if they follow the Lettering Criteria.

    The purpose of this e-mail message board is to get sports related announcements out there to people who are interested. If you have information or announcements on any of the LaZers events, have sports equipment to sell or anything else sports related, please feel free to post.

    Reply messages will go to the person sending out the original post. This list is for ALL KC Metro LaZers sports.

    LaZers is prohibited from participation in Political activity, per IRS regulation. While some 501 organizations are political in nature there are specific rules they must follow. In our case we are specifically prohibited from political activities. We can send email to personal email addresses but sending them through our web group would violate the prohibition. Please, do not send Political views over this group. Thank you.

    For more information, visit

    To Subscribe, visit

    LCMShomeschool - This group is for homeschooling members (and family thereof) of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Come share, learn and have some fun with like-minded individuals. We'd like for this to be a warm and friendly group, so grab a cup of coffee and come on in! This is the replacement group for LCMS-homeschool.

    To Subscribe, visit

    LDS-Homeschool-in-Missouri (Latter-day Saint Home Schoolers in Missouri) - This e-mail discussion group is for all Latter-day Saint Homeschoolers in the Missouri/Illinois area. This list can be a great way to find or start local homeschool support groups, ask questions and get advice, learn about homeschool resources and conferences, share ideas and make new friends! It is a small, brand new list that should be growing as time goes by.

    To Subscribe, visit

    LearningAdventuresFtBend (LAF - Learning Adventures of Fort Bend) - "LAF is a MEMBER-LED support network of homeschool parents in Ft Bend County including Sugar Land, Missouri City, Richmond, Rosenberg and surrounding Houston areas sharing their talents and energies in a co-operative environment. LAF meets regularly for the purpose of providing fun and creative activities so our children can celebrate the adventures of learning and exploring their world together.

    We anticipate that each member will take an active role in planning and assisting LAF activities. A wide variety of co-op groups are also organized for children of all ages to share and explore in such subjects as history, math, science, book discussion clubs, etc. The co-ops offer a very relaxed, fun setting for children and teens to contribute their talents and interests as well as learn from those of their friends.

    Members are encouraged to expand these offerings by organizing and announcing new co-op groups as the need and interest presents itself.

    LAF welcomes members from all faiths, races and educational styles. We believe that the most wonderful part of home-schooling is the opportunity to learn about others and ourselves in real-world situations. This is best done by actively pursuing friendship and support in an inclusive setting and learning from our diversity."

    For more information, visit

    To Subscribe, visit

    mcdparent (P.A.R.E.N.T. group of McDonald Co., MO) - This is a homeschool group for those in and around McDonald County, Missouri. We have a volunteer facilitator who presides over our monthly meeting. We simple come together for incouragement,field trips, socializing, and events.There is no statement to sign. If you are around the area you may join us for field trips or whatever works, helps, and incourages your home school.

    To Subscribe, visit

    Midwest-CMOM (Midwest Christian Moms of Many) - I am a Christian mom who just move to Fort Wayne, IN on June 2 2006. For the previous 7 years our family lived in SE Iowa. We have 6 children ages 3-14 years old. Having a large family is a blessing. Yet in this day and age it is challenging. Any mom in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Northern Missouri with 4 or more children living at home is welcome here. We will discuss household organization, homeschooling ideas, frugal living tips, child training, Christian living, modesty, and general encouragement. I want this to be a list where friendships are made and encouragement and prayer for one another is priority.

    For more information, visit

    To Subscribe, visit

    Missouri_Apostolic_Homeschoolers - Welcome to Missouri Apostolic Homeschoolers.

    This group is for all Apostolic (Pentecostal) Homeschoolers in Missouri.

    The purpose of this group is to connect Missouri Apostolic Homeschooling families with one another, encourage, support, share ideas and organize future events.

    We welcome all Missouri Apostolic families to join and participate as we...train up our children in the way they should go. (Proverbs 22:6)

    To Subscribe, visit

    missourischoolhouserock (Home of Missouri homeschooling families) - Welcome to Missouri School House Rock! Parents everywhere need support, but when you homeschool your kids, seems like we always need more. This is a group for Missouri homeschoolers to visit, share ideas, or just get some moral support.

    Looking for websites to help you?? We've got a pretty EXTENSIVE links page (almost 400 links! with more being added all the time. Everything is in subject folders and dated so that you can find the new ones added! If we don't have it, ask, maybe we'll find it.

    To Subscribe, visit

    moberlyhomeschool (Moberly Missouri Home School Group) - This group is for members of the Moberly, Missouri Home School Group.

    To subscribe, visit

    MOHomeschool - This is a list for all homeschooling families in the state of Missouri. (especially Christian based education homeschooling) Or those in Missouri thinking about homeschooling. This list is for support and ideas for our home schools and raising our children in the way God directs us.

    To subscribe, visit

    mohomeschoolers (Missouri Home Schooling Support) - Meet other home schoolers in Missouri, get help and ideas, share stories.

    To subscribe, visit

    MO Homeschoolers of Blue Springs - We are a group of families who are in the Blue Springs Independence and surrounding area.

    For more information, visit MO Homeschoolers of Blue Springs or email

    MOHSAthletics (Missouri Homeschool Athletics) - This is a forum to discuss & promote athletics for homeschoolers in Missouri.

    To subscribe, visit

    MVHA (Meramec Valley Homeschoolers Association) - This on-line support group has been created to encourage, help, support, and share with members of the Meramec Valley Homeschool Association. This YAHOO group is one way to keep up to date with activities, classes, and events of the MVHA homeschool group.

    It is an inclusive group, and all are welcome. Our primary purpose is to provide social and educational activities for our children.

    To join, you will be asked to fill out a small questionaire about your homeschooling experience and why you are interested in joining. Once you fill it out, it will be reviewed by our group moderator. This is done for SAFETY reasons only, and not for purposes of discrimination. *Due to the very personal nature of this list, LURKING will NOT be tolerated*

    All Yahoo group postings must have a subject line that states the exact content, i.e. park day change, skiing field trip, books for sale,etc. Please remember if you have something to share or announce that is well in the future, please only announce in appropriate intervals, i.e. don't post daily or weekly about a field trip 3 months away; when monthly would be fine. This way everyone knows what the post is about; will have reminders as the activity approaches, and not be overwhelmed with too many e-mails.

    Also, it should go without saying but we must say - Be considerate of others, no rude talk, bad language, teasing, racism, etc. PLEASE - treat others as you want to be treated. Also, NO spamming other members and no advertisements or solicitations will be permitted. Please note: if you have homeschool goods, or homeschool services, to sell/give away; you may post monthly. No political or religious items may be posted, unless they directly pertain to home education. The group moderator will delete any of these type of messages and the member will have one warning before being deleted from the Yahoo Group.

    To subscribe, visit

    NewMacHS (Newton/McDonald Homeschoolers) - This group is for homeschoolers in Newton and Mcdonald County, Missouri.

    To subscribe, visit

    NorthCountyHomeschoolers (North County Homeschoolers) - Hi & Welcome! This is a secular group of North Saint Louis County Homeschoolers. This is an inclusive group, all I ask is that you live in North County and that you homeschool. We are love meeting other homeschoolers, especially those that live near us, that's what this North County group is about. This is a great place to post about activities, field trip ideas, asking questions, sharing resources, or maybe just checking out last minute plans. This is a community board, all opinions are respected. Membership is restricted only because information of a personal nature is posted, like where and when we all might be meeting somewhere and we don't want just any creep out there to have that information :)! We are more than happy to have new people join our group, all we ask is that if you join, that you participate, post messages, join outings, etc. Obviously, you don't have to come to everything, or post everyday, but just pop in occasionally and let us know you are still around :)!

    We are dedicated to a safe, friendly environment for the children to learn and grow.

    To subscribe, visit

    NFLT - Northland Families Learning Together - NFLT is a secular/inclusive NFP group. We offer support and encouragement to home school families in the KC North area, though some of our members come from St Joseph, Smithville, Cameron, Plattsburg, Kearney and even Johnson County, KS and SKC. We have around 70 -80 active families and are growing. We offer a 90 day trial to allow people to decide if our group is a good fit for their needs. We do have dues of $25 per year that help cover many of the costs associated with running a very active group. We also offer coop/parent-taught classes during the Autumn and Spring semesters, along with regularly scheduled park days, recess days, monthly events, field trips and Moms’ Nights In and Out. If anyone has ever told you homeschoolers and their families are not social, you need to check out our group!

    To Subscribe, visit NFLT - Northland Families Learning Together.

    nwmohs (Northwest MO Homeschool Association) - This is a homeschool support group for the Northwest Missouri area. Both secular and religious families are welcome to join. We will be discussing curriculum, recordkeeping, planning fieldtrips, etc. Please no political or religious debate, and keep it family friendly

    To subscribe, visit

    OpenPathNetwork (Open Path Network) - This discussion board is for people interested in the Open Path Network. The Open Path Network (OPEN for short) is to help people enable other people with the common goal of all children having the opportunity for a home education that could be described as: unschooling, child-led, life learning, TCS, natural learning, sometimes attachment parenting, and many more. Any techniques that are similar to ours and places the highest importance on the child's own participation. Anyone from any location may join for discussion although I would especially like to get some members from my local area of Fulton Missouri (Columbia, Jefferson City, Kingdom City, Ashland, New Bloomfield, Millersberg, Auxvasse, Mexico) would be espcially welcomed so we could have field trips. This is an all inclusive group meaning that there is no religion involved.

    To subscribe, visit

    RichmondMOHomeschool - This is a Homeschool group for parents in and around the Richmond, Missouri area. We we can share information about upcoming events, meetings, and fun stuff for our homeschoolers.

    To subscribe, visit

    Rollasecularhomeschoolers (Rolla Area Secular Homeschool Group) - This is an email loop for secular homeschoolers in the Rolla, Missouri area. It's hard to label us, but liberal, free-thinking, open-minded, progressive, tree hugging, hippy dippy rolla secular homeschoolers pretty much sums us up!

    The email list is intended for scheduling playgroups, parties, field trips, and private discussion among our families. It is NOT a general homeschooling forum and is meant for ACTIVE participants only.

    Our primary purpose for meeting is not religious, but to provide social and educational activities for our children. Our group's activities occasionally center around nature/the environment and seasonal cycles of learning.

    If you are unsure if this is the group for you, ask yourself these questions:

    1. Are you open to people of different religions or people with no religous affiliations (Atheists, Agnostics, Pagans, Muslims, etc)?
    2. Are you open to people who may have different political beliefs than your own (Independent, Democrat or Green)?
    3. Are you open to people who may have different home schooling techniques than your own (unschooling or eclectic)?
    4. Are you open to people who may have different beliefs than you do (pro-choice, anti-war)?
    5. Are you open to people who may have a different life style than your own (homosexual)?

    For more information, visit

    To subscribe, visit

    saintmargaret (St. Margaret of Scotland Home Educators) - This group is established for the communication among members of the St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Home Educators of the Northland/Kansas City, MO area.

    To subscribe, visit

    SaintMonica (Saint Monica's Homeschooling Group) - St. Monica's is a homeschooling support group in the greater Kansas City area. This board is for St. Monica's members only to share information about homeschooling, curriculum materials, events and activities, our Catholic Faith and any other information pertinent to the Catholic homeschooling family.

    To subscribe, visit

    shellinmo (SHELL) - We are an inclusive group of active homeschoolers in and around the Springfield, Missouri area. Our emphasis is on homeschooling. We welcome homeschoolers of all ages, genders, races, and beliefs. We meet regularly with the emphasis on providing social, fun experiences in a positive environment. Our group is managed and operated entirely by member volunteers.

    To subscribe, visit

    skche - This group is dedicated to serving the communication needs of home school families belonging to the South Kansas City Home Educators support group in Missouri. We are online to exchange ideas & helpful information, ask questions and hear answers, and support each other in general.

    Membership for this group is restricted to home educating families whose SKCHE membership is current and in good standing. Please submit a brief introduction when applying to be approved, including your name, address and email address. Your membership to this group will be approved once your SKCHE membership is validated.

    Regular members can choose to receive individual messages or daily digests. Or you can choose not to receive any email from this group, but visit the website to view or post messages, browse the links and files, or review the calendar of events.

    SKCHE is a support group for home schooling families in South Kansas City and surrounding areas (Grandview, Belton, Raytown, etc.). If you are not yet a member of SKCHE, but would like to be, please send an email to with your name and a return phone number. Our New Member Coordinator will contact you with membership information.

    Membership in SKCHE does not require adherence to any religion or creed. However, most of our members profess to be Christians. Therefore, decisions made by the group will be based on Christian principles. Members are asked to adhere to and respect these guidelines and policies, while being respectful of the opinions of others.

    Please be considerate of others and keep in mind this is a family –friendly forum. Please-no SPAM! We will include additional guidelines as needed. Thank you!

    The SKCHE group works closely with the organization, Families for Home Education (FHE). Membership in FHE is not required for SKCHE; however, it is strongly encouraged. To learn more about FHE, visit their web site at

    For more information, visit

    To subscribe, visit

    SKC-HolyFamilyHomeschoolers (Holy Family Homeschoolers) - We are a group of Catholic Home Schooling families located in South Kansas City. As a Catholic Home School group centered in Christ, we encourage all the virtues manifested by the Holy Family. The purpose of this list is to provide a method for communication for all current and active members.

    To Subscribe, visit

    SouthCentralMissouriHomeschoolers (South Central Missouri Homeschoolers) - Welcome to the South Central Missouri Homeschoolers Group. Where homeschooling families from this region (Howell, Texas, Oregon or Shannon counties) can socialize, discuss the issues, plan get togethers for the children, and find support amongst one another.



    In order for our group to run smoothly,we will not tolerate certain behaviors on our list. Things to keep in mind would be "No Harm to Others" & "Basic Netiquette".

    *Please do not insult members or make others uncomfortable because of their opinion,political party,skin color,religious beliefs,sexual orientation,methods or anything else about them. We live in a diverse world with all kinds of people & we must all respect one another.

    *Everyone is free to express opinions or to ask questions.But PLEASE express your opinions & questions in a respectful manner.

    *We do not allow obscenities or sexual content.

    *Please note,if you are joining our list to spam our members, you will be quickly banned with no questions asked.

    By joining you can:

    • Share techniques,methods & tips
    • Post your personal family & homeschooling photos
    • Discuss a wide variety of things
    • (Off Topic Discussion is also welcome)
    • Help others,or learn something new
    • Give & receive support from your peers
    • Share your love of Homeschooling
    • Post items 4 Sale on "Sale Days"
    • Plan / participate in special group events
    • Have fun,& make new friends
    • Keep Informed & DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO HOMESCHOOL when necessary

    Beginners are also very much welcome & we'll do our best to help. No question is considered STUPID,so feel free to ask. Let's ENCOURAGE, INSPIRE & HAVE FUN! WELCOME!

    To Subscribe, visit

    southeastmissourihomeschoolers (Southeast Missouri Homeschoolers) - This group is for homeschool families in the Cape Girardeau, Missouri area and surrounding areas in Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois. This group will allow Christian homeschool families to hear about events and to share fellowship with other homeschool families. Information on events (bowling, craft activities, etc.) will be posted as well as other items of interest concerning local businesses (like book stores) that serve homeschool families. It is also appropriate to post family news for items like births, marriages, medical issues, etc. If you sign up for this group, expect many of the postings to reflect a Christian perspective on homeschooling and family life. This is a new group (started 3/17/06) that was started because of the lack of a group communication resource for the many Christian homeschoolers in the area. Join up today!

    To Subscribe, visit

    Springfieldsechomeed (Springfield Secular Home Educators) - Welcome to Springfield Secular Home Educators! We are a group of homeschooling families who homeschool for our own personal reasons, wants and needs. This is not a group based on politics or religion. We invite all to join us and want all to participate in activities. We will get together for regular park days, craft/game days and field trips. We offer book club, Spanish club and Science club. This group is for all children and, although we may have certain activities that are age specific, we focus on inclusion not exclusion. If this sounds like what you are looking for, come join us for a lot of fun.

    To Subscribe, visit

    stjoehomeschool - This is the Original e-mail loop serving home educators in the St. Joseph area and exists so that home schoolers in the St. Joseph, Missouri area can communicate with one another in a safe forum.

    Membership is absolutely FREE and no one is ever charged anything to belong to this loop. While the majority of our membership is Christian, we never exclude any family based on faith issues. If you are not christian you are welcome, but please understand that information reflecting christian values will often be shared on this list.

    Membership is also open to those who are veterans of home education, new to home education, and even those just considering educating at home. Feel free to ask questions, share ideas, or post items of community interest. We LOVE to hear of fun and educational events going on around town!

    To Subscribe, visit

    STLHEConnectionSpecialEd (St. Louis HE Connection Special Educ.) - This group is comprised of parents who are educating their children at home under the law of Missouri. The method which they choose to do this is totally unique to each family. This is a Christian support group encompassing many different denominations. The Apostle's Creed is what joins us together. The goal is to help connect one another to available resources in the St. Louis community and encourage one another in the endevour of Home Education. The focus of this group is home educating children with special needs, learning disabilities, and gifted.

    To Subscribe, visit

    STLhomeschool (St Louis Secular Homeschooler's Co-Op) - This list is the email loop for the ST LOUIS SECULAR HOMESCHOOLER'S CO-OP in St Louis Missouri. ****To join, you will be asked to fill out a small questionaire about your homeschooling experience and why you are interested in joining**** Once you fill it out, it will be reviewed by our moderators group. This is done for SAFETY issues only, and not for purposes of descrimination.

    We are an INCLUSIVE GROUP. By joining this list you are indicating that you wish to take part in the Homeschooler's Co-Op we have formed. You are by no means obligated to take part in all activities, or activities that do not interest you, but the purpose of the group is to make connections for fun and learning and that does require participation on one level or another. **Due to the very personal nature of this list, LURKING will NOT be tolerated**

    This is an inclusive group, and all are welcome, as long as you are accepting of people's differences, and live in or near the St. Louis Metro area, AND ARE HOMESCHOOLING OR INTEND TO BEGIN HOMESCHOOLING SOON. We want to create a network of support for homeschoolers in the area that is not based in or around any particular religion. We look forward to hearing from you and having you take part in our fun activities!

    To Subscribe, visit

    Stlmohsevents (St. Louis Homeschool Events) - A weekly listing of events open to all homeschooling families in the area of St. Louis, MO.

    To Subscribe, visit

    STLPaganParent (Saint Louis Pagan Parent Connection) - Saint Louis Pagan Parent Connection was created to help families with Pagan, wiccan (witch) or Earth centered spiritualistic beliefs or for families who seek conversation with open-minded families, like us, find each other in the St. Louis Missouri and Illinois Area.

    This group has a nice mixture of pagan parents, homeschool to public, stay-at-home and otherwise. We plan to create more child-friendly events as our networking efforts gel. The average ages of our children right now range from infant to teen.

    The thoughts views expressed within this group are not typically considered those of the “mainstream”. It can be very refreshing to meet other like-minded people to develop a more diverse friend base support system. Any topic is open to discussion here, even if it may not be specifically of the “pagan-parenting” concern. If it is your concern you are a pagan parent, please feel free to bring it up.

    ****THIS GROUP IS LIMITED TO PEOPLE WITH KIDS****, if you are not a parent, expectant family, or couple planning for a family, this group is not for you, as we are a group especially created for families and for safety and privacy based reasons, we do not accept applicants who are not parents, grandparents, or legal gaurdians of CHILDREN. Anyone wishing to join will also be asked to provide the group with a brief introducion.

    To Subscribe, visit

    StL_Young_Homeschoolers (StL Young Homeschoolers) - A playgroup for St. Louis homeschoolers with young children. Inclusive and secular. All families are welcome. Active participation is encouraged.

    We are a small group of Homeschool families who meet weekly, usually on Wednesday mornings. Our children curently range in age from 0-7. Our goal is to have a community of families where the children and parents know each other well and feel safe and accepted.

    We take turns planning our activities so that we can plan ahead and everyone gets a chance to plan an activity they love. In nice weather we like to meet at various parks in the area. When the weather is not so cooperative we go other places like children's museums, tours for children, the zoo...anywhere that is kid friendly! Our emphasis is on fun!

    To Subscribe, visit

    SWKCHomeschoolersActivities - Welcome to Southwest Kansas City Home Schooler's Activities e-group!

    This is an email list through which secular home schoolers in SW KC can communicate about activities local to us. It is not a discussion group, and replies are automatically sent to the sender. Please include an appropriate topic in your "Subject" field when posting to the group. There is a calendar on the website and a database where each member can list their contact information.

    Associated with this email list will be a very informal once a month evening meeting for parents to discuss homeschooling (children will be welcome here), and also a once a month recess type activity, either free or very low cost, for the kids to mingle. Locations for these activities will vary. All members are encouraged to help find low or no cost locations suitable for multiage groups.

    The meetings and list are open to all homeschoolers regardless of religious or education choices, or ages of children. This is not a support group, there are no requirements for participation, or costs to join. This will be a very simple framework for making connections in the area. All list members may post or plan activities. You do not need to be a member of the list to attend activities. There will be no moderation, respectful discourse is expected. If you are interested in chatting with members, join the coordinating chat list at

    Members are encouraged to send one introduction to the list of their family and interests and a nearby landmark or major intersection to help people see who lives nearby.

    Please introduce yourself!

    To subscribe, visit

    swmo-curricswap (SW Missouri Curriculum Swap) - The swap is an e-mail list where you can sell or buy used curriculum, specifically for those in the southwest Missouri area. This way, you can save on shipping if you sell locally. You can also place "wanted" ads. This list is *NOT* for personal businesses, auction postings or ministries of any kind. The list is for your own school items that you are no longer using. The decision of the moderator is final so if there are any problems the moderators decision will stand. The postings to the list should be for *only* homeschool type items and educational book for sale, or curriculum items wanted. (No garage sale type items) PLEASE no off topic posts, or conversations. Please...when you subscribe, do not set yourself to nomail. Please use the "Special Notices" feature instead. There are times when I need to be able to send a notice to all on the list and you will not receive those if you are on nomail. This is very important in order to keep you informed of any list changes that there may be.

    To subscribe, visit

    swmohe (Southwest Missouri Home Educators) - A place for homeschoolers in the Southwest Missouri area to discuss homeschooling, plan park days, plan or inform of upcoming educational opportunities, buy and sell items of interest to other homeschoolers, and otherwise network with other homeschoolers in specific areas. Towards this end, each email of the group will contain links to organizations in the area geared for specific areas or avenues of service.

    A brief introduction will be required before your membership will be approved to Southwest Missouri Home Educators. This is merely to eliminate those who really aren't home schoolers and just want an email group to crash and/or spam.

    To subscribe, visit

    swmohearts ( Southwest Missouri H.E.A.R.T.S.) - This group is the Southwest Missouri chapter of HEARTS - Homeschoolers Educating, Assisting, & Reaching-out Through Service. The mission is to bring together in community service projects a diverse and inclusive group of homeschoolers – overcoming the divisions of religion, politics, geographic distance, and educational philosophy. We also hope to increase public awareness, understanding, and acceptance of homeschoolers and homeschooling through combined service, outreach, and public relations efforts.

    We cordially invite EVERYONE - to join in this effort to provide valuable services to our communities - while generating public understanding and acceptance of homeschoolers.

    Please visit the official website at

    To subscribe, visit

    Unschooling_in_the_Midwest (Unschooling in the Midwest) - This group is for unschoolers in the midwest. I don't want to exclude anyone but I do feel the need to tell you up front that I'm a radical secular unschooler. I'd love to have a group that offers support to other life learning families and organizes camping trips, possibly conferences and other activities here in the midwest. Please contact me if you have any questions about this group at

    To subscribe, visit

    WebsterCountyHomeEducation (Webster County Area Home Education) - Webster County Area Home Education is a group for home schooled children and their parents in Webster County and the surrounding area. This group meets twice a month for skating and open gym, or a park day and usually once a month for a fun, educational field trip. Parents share ideas and words of inspiration at the open gym activity. This email group is also for ideas and inspiration, as well as jokes, stories, venting (but NOT at each other - haha). Not everyone is able to come meet in person, so this is just another way to stay in touch. Welcome!

    To subscribe, visit

    wentzvillemissourihomeschoolfamilies (Wentzville Missouri Homeschool Families) - This is a group for all families in Wentzville, Missouri who homeschool. It provides opportunities for support, get-togethers and sharing. Please share this list address with everyone you know who homeschools in Wentzville, Missouri. This group is secular in nature. We welcome everyone of all religions, races, reasons for homeschooling, etc. No Spamming allowed. Please be respectful of all members. The group owner reserves the right to ban members for any reason for preservation of the group.

    To subscribe, visit

    westcountyhe - This group is for Christian Homeschoolers located in the West County Missouri Area. Our purpose is to first and foremost glorify our Lord in all things. We are here to encourage and uplift each other through prayer, advice, and sharing of resources. Our group does not take the place of a homeschool group for fellowship and activites. We encourage you to also be involved in a homeschool group in your area. Typical posts will include sale information at local stores, group activities, prayer requests and play dates.

    To subscribe, visit

    wphomeschooladventures (South Central MO Homeschool Adventures) - Welcome to Homeschool Adventures! This is a place to find, create, and stay up-to-date on activities, community events of interest, and other learning opportunities for homeschoolers in and around the West Plains MO area. You can also connect with other families in our area who are pursuing the same adventure.

    This is an inclusive group and all are welcome, regardless of method, curriculum, or religious beliefs. The important thing is that we all share the common bond of family-based education. Due to the personal nature of this group, membership is required for full use of the site, and lurking and spamming will not be allowed. This is for general safety reasons only... if you are a homeschooler or are considering homeschooling as an option for your family, you are welcome.

    Please, upon joining the group, introduce yourself! You may just make some new friends... for your children AND yourself! If you would like to organize or post activities, feel free to use this as your forum... the group format makes this the perfect way to get the word out quickly, whether it is for organized and preplanned activities or an impromptu outing. The format also allows you the moral support and wealth of information and advice from our rich and diverse local community of homeschoolers.

    South Central Missouri has plenty of great resources and opportunities for learning if you know where to look! Some great local resources can be found on the Links page, and upcoming homeschooling and community events can be found on the Calendar (click on an event for more info). Have fun, be friendly, and above all...Enjoy your Adventure!!

    To subscribe, visit

    youngkchomeschoolers (Young KC Homeschoolers) - This group's purpose is to serve as a network for secular homeschool families in the Kansas City, Missouri metro area with children ages six and under. My hope is that the group's maximum age will increase as the children get older. The focus of this email loop is to enable members to coordinate social activities and share educational ideas/resources, etc. Older siblings are welcome!

    To Subscribe, visit

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    Please notify if your email list, support group, message board, forum or newsletter is not included here or if you see errors.

    This is an ongoing project - please check back often for updates.

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