Homeschooling and Unschooling email lists, support groups, message boards, forums and newsletters for those practicing home education in Rhode Island (also known as the Ocean State), including Attleboro (MA), Providence and the New England area. Locate fellow homeschoolers. Make new friends. Share resource ideas and curriculum / textbook information.

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A student should not be taught more than he can think about.
~ Alfred North Whitehead

    Rhode Island Email Lists, Support Groups, Message Boards, Forums and Newsletters

    AttleboroAreaHomeschoolers (Attleboro Area Homeschoolers) - Welcome to Attleboro Area Homeschoolers. We are a group of families that welcomes all homeschoolers in many communities in southeastern Massachusetts and northern Rhode Island.

    The main purpose of the Attleboro Area Homeschoolers is to give homeschooling families in our area the support necessary to begin the homeschooling experience.

    Please no spam! Those who subscribe solely to post unsolicited advertisements will be immediately removed from the list. If you wish to request a post about your product or service, please contact a moderator for screening.

    For questions or more information about Attleboro Area Homeschoolers, please feel free to email Tracy at

    To Subscribe, visit Attleboro Area Homeschoolers.

    Eagles Wings Co-op - We are a co-operative of Christian homeschool families, in South Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island creating academic and enrichment classes for our own children by pooling our teaching strengths and abilities. As an extension of our families’ homeschools, we help one another meet our educational goals in a wholesome environment that fosters godly character and encourages both children and parents to excellence.

    For more information, visit Eagles Wings Co-ops.

    Eastern Latter Day Saints Homeschool (e-lds-hs) - This is for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who are homeschooling their children.

    Do you live in the Eastern region of the United States? You are invited to join our online homeschool support group. We invite all parents who want to help their children succeed in school and in life, veteran home educators looking for a fresh start, new family educators searching for help and ideas, and parents just thinking about home education to join us.

    Our goal is to support them in their endeavor as well as disseminate information. We welcome anyone not included in another group. Our states include: Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan. ME MA RI DE CN NH VT OH MI MD NY NJ PA

    To Subscribe, visit Eastern Latter Day Saints Homeschool (e-lds-hs).

    ENRICH - A Rhode Island Home Education Community - is a secular community which provides support and guidance in a welcoming environment for homeschooling families in Southern New England.

    We will Promote: Life Long Learning, Community involvement, Cooperative classes, Active Membership, Cohesiveness and connection within the homeschool community and will seek 5013C non profit status.

    ENRICH does not discriminate based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, faith, home education philosophy or methodology, physical or other challenges.

    For more information, visit ENRICH - A Rhode Island Home Education Community.

    HENRIhomeschool (Home Educators Network of Rhode Island) - Home Educators Network in the Rhode Island Area offering Information and support resources for homeschool families of Rhode Island.

    To Subscribe, visit Home Educators Network of Rhode Island.

    LEAF-Network (LEAF Home Learners Network) - LEAF is a network of home learners that welcomes all homeschoolers in south-central MA, northern RI and northeastern CT. LEAF is informal, all-inclusive and participant-directed.

    Membership Guidelines: LEAF members must be either current homeschoolers or families considering homeschooling. Members may not be non-homeschooling third parties, such as representatives of commercial ventures, curriculum vendors, or administrators of non-profit groups.

    For more information, visit LEAF Home Learners Network website.

    To Subscribe, visit LEAF-Network.

    New England Buddhist Homeschool Group (NEBuddhistHomeschool) - We are such a minority -- us Buddhist Homeschool Families. Perhaps through this forum we can share our experiences in trying to incorporate Buddhism into our lives and homeschooling endevors.

    This is a support group for Buddhist homeschoolers in the New England region -- Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont. Here we can talk about how we home-school with Buddhist ethics in mind. How do we live the 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path in our culture?

    When we are large enough, we will hold monthly or even weekly meetings, field trips, meditation circles and other neat homeschooling things. Eventually, we will also plan a yearly retreat for Buddhists and home school families in the New England region.

    Feel free to join us if you have been a Buddhist home school family for years or are merely interested in it. If you are a homeschooler interested in Buddhism, or a Buddhist interested in homeschooling, you are welcome here.

    To Subscribe, visit New England Buddhist Homeschool Group.

    New England Jewish Homeschoolers (nejhs) - This list is for Jewish homeschoolers in the New England area. That includes CT, NH, VT, ME, RI, MA.

    We welcome people who are interested in participating (and helping to organize) some of the activities we are planning. On this list, we are privileged to have Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews, Reform Jews, Reconstructionist Jews, secular Jews. We DON'T have so-called Messianic Jews (Jews for Jesus).

    There is no proselytizing allowed on this list. This list is NOT for discussing religious politics or "how" to be a Jew. It's primary goal is to make friends and organize gatherings. Note: NonJews married to Jews and raising their children as Jews or with Jewish traditions are also welcome.

    Note: NonJews married to Jews and raising their children as Jews or with Jewish traditions are also welcome.

    To Subscribe, visit New England Jewish Homeschoolers.

    New England Muslim Educators Network (nemen) - A private email list for Muslim teachers and administrators in public and private schools, Islamic schools and Muslim homeschools, day care, preschools, weekend schools and after/summer schooling.

    Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachussetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont


    • To aid Islamic schools, Muslim teachers and Muslim homeschoolers in their educational endeavors.
    • To promote networking, and community building through the NEMEN email list and NEMEN/Islamic school/Muslim homeschool activites.
    • To create and maintain an on going supportive and proactive environment for all our educators for the very best of ourselves and our children.

    Islamic schools are encouraged to post and promote their carnivals, fairs, teacher workshops, professional development etc. Please also post these events on the calendar.

    Muslim homeschoolers are encouraged to post and promote their activites, shared educational endeavors, field trips, etc. Please also post these events on the calendar.

    Everyone on the NEMEN list is encouraged to contribute and post information on various workshops, professional development, conventions, conferences, forums, etc. within the NEMEN area.

    Started in March 2001, this group has migrated here from another email list site.

    To Subscribe, visit New England Muslim Educators Network.

    New England Unschooling (NewEnglandUnschooling) - A networking group for unschoolers in Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island and Connecticut.

    Any discussion or ideas presented on this list should be from an unschooling or radical unschooling point of view.

    To subscribe, visit New England Unschooling.

    RICHES: Rhode Island Christian Home Educators - an organization of Christian homeschool families in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts who have joined together to encourage one another and to promote educational, cultural, athletic and spiritual growth among our families.

    For more information, visit RICHES: Rhode Island Christian Home Educators.

    RIGHT: Rhode Island Homeschooling - The RI Guild of Home Teachers is a christian-led support group for RI homeschoolers. We coordinate state and local events and activities, as well as offer advice and support.

    For more information, visit RIGHT: Rhode Island Homeschooling.

    SOSinformation (S.O.S. Email Loop) - SOS (Secular in the Ocean State) is a network of homeschoolers in Rhode Island and nearby MA and CT. We offer homeschooling support regardless of religion, race, politics, or homeschooling method. We are secular, meaning not religiously or politically affiliated.

    SOS is a member-directed network. Ideas for activities, classes, learning co-ops, field trips and other events may be offered by any member at any time. Any member may take charge of coordinating an event, outing or field trip. Offer learning opportunities and other ideas according to your family's interests; attend or plan whichever events work within your family's schedule.

    To Subscribe, visit SOSinformation.

    Back to the Elists Index Page

    Please notify if your email list, support group, message board, forum or newsletter is not included here or if you see errors.

    This is an ongoing project - please check back often for updates.

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Let's talk about learning and education as it should be, as it can be!

Homeschool Your Child For Free
More than 1,200 Smart, Effective, and Practical Resources for Home Education on the Internet and Beyond

by LauraMaery Gold
For Families Who Want to Splurge on Education but Scrimp on Spending.

The Complete Home Learning Source Book
The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators Covering Every Subject from Arithmetic to Zoology

by Rebecca Rupp
This ambitious reference guide lives up to its name. Practically three inches thick--and we're not talking large print here--it's packed with titles, ordering information, and Web site addresses. From where to send away for a kit to make your own Chilean rain stick to how to order a set of Elizabethan costume paper dolls, the book connects families to a world of learning possibilities. Book titles, short synopses, authors' names, publishers, and years of print make up the bulk of the guide.

The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child
Your Complete Guide to Getting Off to the Right Start
by Linda Dobson
This book is so down to earth that it will put anyone at ease, and the advice she and the many other homeschoolers give is so practical.

The Unschooling Handbook
How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom
by Mary Griffith
Unschooling, a homeschooling method based on the belief that kids learn best when allowed to pursue their natural curiosities and interests, is practiced by 10 to 15 percent of the estimated 1.5 million homeschoolers in the United States.

Deschooling Gently
by Tammy Takahashi
Deschooling Gently will help you whether you are new to homeschooling, or if you are experienced, but are in need of new approaches. Discover the best way to educate your children at home, not through rote process, but by learning how to find the answer within yourself.

Dumbing Us Down
The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling

by John Taylor Gatto
In this tenth-anniversary edition, Gatto updates his theories on how the U.S. educational system cranks out students the way Detroit cranks out Buicks. He contends that students are more programmed to conform to economic and social norms rather than really taught to think.

Mary Pride’s Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling
by Mary Pride
One of America’s leading homeschool experts provides families with everything they could possibly need to know to start schooling at home in this 600–page volume. Families who are just getting started in homeschooling as well as experienced homeschool families who need more information will find answers to all their questions in this one–of–a–kind resource.
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