Dumbing Us Down The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto
In this tenth-anniversary edition, Gatto updates his theories on how the U.S. educational system cranks out students the way Detroit cranks out Buicks. He contends that students are more programmed to conform to economic and social norms rather than really taught to think.
Kindle Edition
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook A Creative And Stress-Free Approach to Homeschooling by Dorothy Moore
If you are thinking about homeschooling, or are struggling with a educational homeschooling curriculum that is difficult to use, let Dr. Ray and Dorothy Moore show you how to make homeschooling an easy-to-live-with family adventure in learning. This low-stress, low-cost program shows you how to build a curriculum around your child's needs and interests - and around a realistic family schedule.
Learning All The Time by John Holt
This delightful book by the influential author of How Children Fail and How Children Learn shows how children learn to read, write, and count in their everyday life at home and how adults can respect and encourage this wonderful process.
The object of teaching a child is to enable the child to get along without the teacher. We need to educate our children for their future, not our past.
~ Arthur C. Clarke
Central Virginia
Local Email Lists, Support Groups, Facebook Groups, Associations, Message Boards, Forums and Newsletters
H - Z
- Hanover HomeSchoolers (hanoverhomeschoolers) - A loosely organized, inclusive support group of and for all homeschooling families. We have members from all over the region – King William to Chesterfield, Goochland to Charles City and beyond -- 12 counties and the City of Richmond at present! We welcome homeschoolers of all faiths and homeschooling styles. This group is for the distribution of our newsletter and announcements. It is not a discussion list.
- To Subscribe, visit Hanover HomeSchoolers.
- Henry County Home Educators - Martinsville & Henry County - Henry County Home Educators Association (HCHE) exists to support home schooling families. We offer support meetings, a monthly newsletter, and email announcements to inform and encourage home schooling parents. We will keep you updated concerning our group's activities, as well as important home schooling information such as the law, testing, and conferences. While membership in the HCHE is open to anyone, all board members must agree to our group's Statement of Faith
- For more information, visit Henry County Home Educators - Martinsville & Henry County.
- Home Front Educators - Central Virginia - A non-profit support group for families who have chosen to educate their children at home. Our mission is to provide support for families with children grades Kindergarten through 12 by providing practical educational opportunities, support for parents in their home school endeavors, and family oriented social opportunities. Home Front Educators is not affiliated with any church or other home education group. It is supported solely by annual membership dues.
- For more information, visit Home Front Educators - Central Virginia.
- Homeschool Happenings and Support Facebook Page - Lynchburg - A group of homeschooling parents that offer support to each other through this page. Post questions, thoughts, support and links of interest for a homeschooler. We are an online support group!
- For more information, visit Homeschool Happenings and Support - Lynchburg Facebook Page.
- Home Works - Home Works Lynchburg - Central Virginia - A Resource Center for Central Virginia Home Educators. Home Works is the framework to support Central Virginia's growing Home School community, while preserving the integrity of the parent's place as the educator, of the individual cooperatives that meet all over the city, of sports teams and science clubs.
- For more information, visit Home Works - Central Virginia.
- Ignite the Fire - Homeschool Support Group - Chesterfield County (Ignite_the_Fire) - A local support group in Chesterfield County, Virginia, upholding biblical Christian values of submission to God and loving and nurturing training of our children to honor God. We exist to help meet the needs of families with preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school children who are at least strongly interested in homeschooling as an educational option for their family. We are devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and we are devout in our Christian beliefs. This is a guiding force in our pursuit of homeschooling as the avenue of choice in educating our children.
- To Subscribe, visit Ignite the Fire - Homeschool Support Group - Chesterfield County.
- James River Home School Foundation, Inc. - North Chesterfield - A nonprofit Christian organization established in 2009 to provide educational and extra-curricular enrichment opportunities for Virginia home-schooled students.
- For more information, visit James River Home School Foundation, Inc. - North Chesterfield.
- Louisa Homeschoolers (LouisaHomeschoolers) - Serve the needs of our homeschooled children in Louisa County and surrounding areas. This inclusive group was formed for home educators (and home educated) in Louisa County and surrounding areas to keep in touch with each other. The group is listed but the messages are for members only. New members will be screened and moderated to create a safe and comfortable enviroment for discussions related to adventures of homeschooling.
- To Subscribe, visit Louisa Homeschoolers.
- Lynchburg Homeschool - LynchburgHomeschool.com is sponsored by Lynchburg Area News & Information for Christian Home Educators (LANICHE). LA NICHE sites have served homeschool families and organizations in the Lynchburg region of Virginia since 2006. The LA NICHE mission is simple: Connect local homeschool families to each other… and to groups, organizations, activities, and other resources and information for enhancing their children’s Christian education.
- For more information, visit Lynchburg Homeschool.
- Midlothian Home Educators (MidlothianHomeEducators) - A place for home educators in the Midlothian, Virginia area to share news, ideas, tips and encouragement.
- To Subscribe, visit Midlothian Home Educators.
- Midlothian Home School Circle Facebook Page - A place to find ideas, ask questions, share curriculum, participate in social outings, and to feel encouraged and supported as a home schooling parent! It doesn't matter what age you are home schooling, we are here to support each other! Please feel free to invite your home schooling friends to the group.
- For more information, visit Midlothian Home School Circle Facebook Page.
- Montpelier Area Homeschool Network (MAHNetwork) - Local Montpelier, Va. and surrounding area homeschool families getting together to share resources and enhance our childrens experiences. sponsored by The Montpelier Center For The Arts And Education.
- To Subscribe, visit Montpelier Area Homeschool Network.
- Orange County Virginia Homeschoolers (orangevahomeschoolers) - Created to bring together homeschooling families in Orange County Virginia and nearby surrounding areas. Although we are a small county, I'm sure there are many more like myself who wish to connect for local activities and play dates, avoiding long commutes to Fredricksburg and beyond. My hope is that this list will become an active place for discussion, freindship, and eventually bringing more of the classes and activities that we all drive so far for now, into our own community. This group has no religous affiliation, and all faiths and homeschool styles are welcome!
- To Subscribe, visit Orange County Virginia Homeschoolers.
- Richmond Area Homeschoolers (Richmond_Area_Homeschoolers) - An active inclusive group of Richmond (Virginia) area homeschoolers to share ideas, organize get togethers, and for general support. We get together in parks and have regular field trips. We have middle school and teen groups as well as clubs (for example, chess). We have annual events including a "Not Back to School Party" in September and a Spring Picnic in March. If you want to see a homeschool activity happen, then this is the place to start organizing it. Keep informed about what is going on in the homeschool community in Richmond: information about homeschool classes and events are posted regularly.
For more information, visit our Homeschool Richmond website.
- To Subscribe, visit Richmond Area Homeschoolers.
- Richmond Area Homeschoolers: For Sale (RAH_For_Sale) - For homeschoolers in the Richmond (Virginia) area who are interested in buying, selling, sharing, borrowing or swapping homeschool-related items. This is a sister list to Richmond Area Homeschoolers and Richmond Preschool Homeschoolers.
This list is not for advertising businesses or commercial ventures of any kind. If you are interested in an item, please reply directly to the person posting the message, rather than to the whole group. Caveat Emptor - Buyer beware.
- To Subscribe, visit Richmond Area Homeschoolers: For Sale.
- Richmond Preschool Homeschoolers (RichmondPreschoolHomeschoolers) - An inclusive group of Richmond (Virginia) area homeschoolers of preschool aged children to share ideas, organize get togethers, and for general support. We have play dates in the park and field trips suited to preschool aged children.
For more information, visit our Homeschool Richmond website.
- To Subscribe, visit Richmond Preschool Homeschoolers.
- Richmond Regional Home Educators
- For more information, visit Richmond Regional Home Educators.
- Richmond Unschoolers (Richmond_Unschoolers) - A group of Richmond (Virginia) area unschoolers - homeschoolers who follow John Holt's notion of child-led learning. Unschooling allows children to learn naturally, without adult-imposed "lessons", schedules, or timelines. It does not mean "un-parenting". Unschoolers generally provide a rich environment for their children, and their children's natural curiosity blossoms. This list is to discuss anything related to homeschooling/unschooling, for support, and to arrange informal get togethers with other unschoolers.
For more information, visit our Homeschool Richmond website.
- To Subscribe, visit Richmond Unschoolers.
- Richmond WISH - Waldorf Inspired Homeschoolers (Richmond_WISH) - Welcome to Richmond WISH (waldorf-inspired school at home) This group has been created in an effort to create community among families educating their children at home using Waldorf-inspired methods. This is a group for the experienced waldorf homeschooler, as well as those just beginning the journey on the waldorf path.
Hopes are that this group will become a great source of information sharing and warm friendly connections between parents and children. Also, it would be great if it develops into weekly or monthly gatherings to celebrate festivals, participate in handwork activities, painting, share songs, perform plays, dance, and generally learn and play together.
- To Subscribe, visit Richmond WISH - Waldorf Inspired Homeschoolers.
- Scottsville Homeschoolers (ScottsvilleHomeschoolers) - A group for homeschooling families in and around Scottsville to share information about activities, field trips, special events, etc.
- To Subscribe, visit Scottsville Homeschoolers.
- Southside Homeschool Academy - Powhatan - Provides classes for grades 4-12 to supplement home education. We offer individual classes in a collaborative environment located at Graceland Baptist Church (975 Dorset Road Powhatan, VA 23139). Courses include multiple levels of history, writing, science, math, and foreigh languages with several electives. Christianity and the Bible are the foundation on which our principles are based; however, we include students and parents from diverse social, economic, and religious backgrounds. We are committed to assisting homeschooling families regardless of race, color, or nationality.
- For more information, visit Southside Homeschool Academy - Powhatan.
- TEAACH in Central Virginia - Training and Educating African American Children at Home (TEAACH) - a group founded to connect ALL CHILDREN, Black / African American, Biracial, and all home educators of color, in Central Virginia. The goal is to provide fellowship for our homeschooled children and support for each other as we endeavor to raise righteous God fearing children. This group is not intended to encourage racial division nor is it the goal of this group to exclude ourselves from the rich experiences that are already available to us through the many active homeschool support groups and cooperatives. We simply want to enjoy those things and to share them with other families who share our culture, history and vision to train and educate our children at home. Most of us homeschooling in Central Virginia are already involved with groups and activities; sometimes there are a few children of color, often there are NONE. This group is for home school children in elementary, middle school and high school in the Piedmont area of Central Virginia, from Fredericksburg, to Richmond, to Charlottesville and all the surrounding counties of : Louisa, Albemarle, Green, Madison, Orange, Caroline, Spotsylvania, Fluvanna, Hannover, Goochland, and Henrico County. You may already be a part of a local support group and not be aware of other families of color looking for fellowship right in your own neighborhood. It would be nice to know who’s out there . . . join and connect! WE are NOW on FACEBOOK as TEACCH - Training Education & Cultivating Children at Home.
- To Subscribe, visit TEAACH in Central Virginia - Training and Educating African American Children at Home.
- Tri-Cities Home Educators Friends - Colonial Heights/Petersburg/Hopewell/Ft. Lee (tchefriends) - Tri-Citites Home Educators now has a private forum for registered members only. Please visit the Tri-Cities Home Educators website for information about meetings, forms and activities.
We represent the cities of Colonial Heights, Petersburg, Hopewell, Ft. Lee and the counties of Chesterfield, Prince George, Dinwiddie, Sussex,and others. We are a Christian based homeschool support group. Please contact the Support Group Leader at leader@tcheofva.org with questions.
- To Subscribe, visit Tri-Cities Home Educators Friends - Colonial Heights/Petersburg/Hopewell/Ft. Lee.
- Tri-Cities Home Educators of Virginia - Central Virginia (tcheofva) - A homeschool support group in the Tri-Cities area of Central Virginia. We uphold Biblical principles and traditional Christian values. Our purpose is to strengthen families, offer information and encouragement, and to be a springboard for educational and recreational endeavors. Only registered TCHE families may join this email loop.
For more information, visit Tri-Cities Home Educators or our Tri-Cities Home Educators Facebook page.
- To Subscribe, visit Tri-Cities Home Educators of Virginia - Central Virginia.
- Under the Son Academy - UTSA Homeschool Co-op - Forest, Virginia - Under the Son Academy ministers to homeschool families by providing a Christ-centered atmosphere and options for educational and social support. We are here to enhance family life and home education. We never want to burden families with needless responsibilities. Families are encouraged to review and pray about their own needs and goals in deciding what classes and activities in which they will participate.
- For more information, visit Under the Son Academy - UTSA Homeschool Co-op - Forest, Virginia.
- Western Henrico Homeschool Group (HenricoCtyhmschlsupport2) - Designed to provide support for homeschool families in the Western Henrico County area. Whether its curriculum, playtime, activities, encouragement and all homeschool ideas, all are welcome for sharing.
- To Subscribe, visit Western Henrico Homeschool Group.
- WIT Home Educators (Walk In Truth) - West End/Glen Allen/Hanover area - a group of believers in the West End/Glen Allen/Hanover area that formed as a support group because of a growing need in Staples Mill Road Baptist Church. However, not all are members at SMRBC and the group is open. We have monthly meetings for moms with devotions, prayer, snack and fellowship time and different topics every month. We are a very diverse group with many ages, races, family sizes, curriculums, learning styles, interests and abilities represented. We have preschoolers and high schoolers, gifted and learning challenged. We have brand new home schoolers as well as veteran home school moms. In addition to providing support to moms, we have field trips, service projects, and fun times together. Most families are from Henrico and Hanover counties but everyone is welcome.
- For more information, visit WIT Home Educators (Walk In Truth) - West End/Glen Allen/Hanover area.
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Virginia Regions
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Virginia Statewide Groups
Statewide Support Groups, Email Lists, Facebook Pages, Associations, etc.
Please notify if your email list, support group, Facebook Groups, associations, message board, forum or newsletter is not included here or if you see errors.
This is an ongoing project - please check back often for updates.
Search results from both LeapingFromTheBox and blogs
Homeschooling For Dummies by Jennifer Kaufeld
If, like many parents, you’re wondering whether homeschooling can be the solution you’re looking for, then you’ll be happy to know that the answer is yes.
Kindle Edition
Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner by Kathy Kuhl
Whether you already homeschool, are considering it, or just want to help your child after school, Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner helps you teach your child at home. "Anyone who lives or works with a struggling learner will find many a valuable nugget to aid in their work with these children." Barbara D. Ingersoll, Ph.D.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens by Debra Bell
Debra Bell has helped numerous homeschooled students, including four of her own, gain college admission and win substantial scholarships to the schools of their choice.
For The Children’s Sake Foundations of Education for Home and School by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
A book about what education can be--for your child, in your home, and in your school. It is based first on a Christian understanding of what it means to be human--to be a child, a parent, a teacher--and on the Christian meaning of life. At the same time it is deeply practical.
The Unschooling Handbook How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom by Mary Griffith
The unschooling movement is founded on the principle that children learn best when they pursue their own natural curiosities and interests. Learning is a natural, inborn impulse, and the world is rich with lessons to be learned and puzzles to be solved.
Kindle Edition
The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child Your Complete Guide to Getting Off to the Right Start by Linda Dobson
This comprehensive guide will help you determine the appropriate first steps, build your own educational philosophy, and discover the best ways to cater to your child's specific learning style
Kindle Edition